Junior Sports hall trials December 2023

We took 27 athletes to the last sportshall trials of the season to preparation for the County Championships in January. Our athletes were able to showcase their skills resulting in us coming away with a multitude of top 3’s including

First places

·        Samual Atkins U11B Balance Test

·        Jenson Nichols U11B Chest Push

·        Jessie McCurtin u13G Speed Bounce

Second Places

·        Affra Bailey U11G High Stepper

·        Matilda Clare U11G Vertical Jump

·        Noah Lauder Clarke U13B Shot

·        Emerald Hill Sawyer U13G 2 lap 

Third Places

·        Ella Larkin U11G 1 lap

·        Matilda Clare U11G Chest Push

·        Ella McDonald U11G triple Jump

·        Joe Mercer U11B 1 lap

·        Malik Gaye U11B vertical jump

·        Samuel Atkins U11B Javelin

Well Done to everyone who took part.